AHA Youth Vaping and Nicotine Research Initiative

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 7, 2020

Internal Deadline: 

Jan 2, 2020


American Heart Association

UI Contact: 

AHA Youth Vaping and Nicotine Research Initiative

UIowa Completion/Routing deadline: January 02, 2020.
Your institutional Grants Officer in DSP has the final responsibility of submitting your completed application to the American Heart Association. AHA deadline: January 07, 2020

The American Heart Association: Applicants must complete their applications within the AHA Grants@Heart system and, once finished, click on the Submit to Grants Officer option; this will release the application to the UI Division of Sponsored Programs DSP for review and submission to AHA.   
In order for DSP to do its part, applicants must be sure to:  

 a) Select Martin Scholtz as Grants Officer; select Audra Haddy as Fiscal Officer where prompted within the application form; and b) Complete the UI Routing Form/process to secure departmental and collegiate approvals at least five business days before the AHA submission deadline.
 Questions from University of Iowa applicants may be directed to Mary Blackwood mary-blackwood@uiowa.edu phone: 335-3968, or Tracy Titus  tracy-titus@uiowa.edu  phone 335-3202, in the UI Division of Sponsored Programs DSP.

All Applicants must have AHA Professional Membership. Please do not wait until the application deadline to renew or join. Effective with deadlines after June 1, 2018, each applicant, including a Predoctoral or Postdoctoral Fellowship applicant, must be an AHA Professional Member. Applicants may join or renew membership via the Grants@Heart  application site. You may also join or renew by phoning the AHA at 301-223-2307 or 800-787-8984. Membership processing takes 3-5 days.  For all new awards, awardees must maintain AHA Professional Membership for the entire term of funding. AHA awardees may use their AHA funding to pay AHA membership dues.

