Air Force Research for Integrated Vehicle Aerodynamic Technologies

Sponsor Deadline: 

May 9, 2023


DOD Defense Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL

UI Contact: 

Research for Integrated Vehicle Aerodynamic Technologies (RIVAT) BAA
Air Force Research Laboratory  AFRL  Aerospace Systems Directorate

Air Force Research Laboratory, Aerospace Systems Directorate, Aerospace Vehicles Division (AFRL/RQV), Wright Research Site is soliciting white papers on the research effort described below. Offerors should be alert for any BAA amendments that may alter the technical objectives or that may change the white paper submission date.

1) Fundamental and Applied Fluid Dynamics
2) Aircraft Design and System Enhancements
3) Flow Control Applications
4) Weapons Integration and Cavity Flow
5) Propulsion Integration
6) Aero-Optics Interactions
7) Technology Applications and Operational Analysis
