Amazon Research Awards: Generative AI

Sponsor Deadline: 

Apr 26, 2023


Amazon Research Awards

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Amazon Web Services (AWS) AI aims to advance machine learning research by funding development of open-source tools and research that benefit the machine learning community at large, or impactful research that uses machine learning tools on AWS.

AWS AI is soliciting funding proposals related to generative AI. We specifically aim to solicit funding proposals that focus on innovation related to supporting annotators with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Proposals should be attached to one or more of the following themes:

  • New approaches that improve the capabilities of foundational models without fine-tuning: chaining, advanced prompting techniques (e.g., chain of thought, self-consistency), integration with external services and APIs, data augmented generation, etc.).
  • Novel approaches that improve the capabilities of generative models to perform complex and composite tasks, potentially involving multiple types of inputs and outputs (text, images, videos, audio, structured data).
  • Novel approaches for using generative models to create synthetic data sets at scale with specified properties.
  • Work on open source projects that provide building blocks for developing applications with generative AI.

Other generative AI topics are also welcome.

