BLM Cultural and Paleontological Resources Management

Sponsor Deadline: 

Apr 7, 2022


Interior Bureau of Land Management BLM

UI Contact: 

Bureau of Land Management: Cultural and Paleontological Resources Management

The BLM Headquarters (HQ) National Cultural Heritage and Paleontology Programs seek to establish partnerships that collaboratively encourage the public to learn about and engage with heritage resources throughout the country with the goals of building a meaningful conservation stewardship legacy through expanding recreation opportunities on public lands, working to ensure meaningful consultation and self-determination for Tribes, enhancing visitor experience on public lands by better meeting our infrastructure and maintenance needs, and eliminating unnecessary steps and duplicative reviews while maintaining rigorous environmental standards.
The Cultural Heritage and Paleontology Programs achieve these goals by:
 Protecting and preserving cultural heritage and paleontological resources for the benefit of future generations;
 Improving professional and/or public understanding of the nation’s cultural and natural history;
 Providing educational, recreational, and economic opportunities for local communities and the public;
 Increasing Native American access to locations and natural resources important to traditional cultural practices and beliefs; and
 Managing heritage resource collections and associated records to appropriate standards, and providing access to the public and Native Americans.

