CDC Promoting Asthma Friendly Environments through Partnerships, Collaborations

Sponsor Deadline: 

Apr 30, 2020


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

UI Contact: 

Promoting Asthma Friendly Environments Through Partnerships and Collaborations

CDC solicitations are generally limited to one application per institution.  Please refer to this link on the UIowa Limited Submissions process

The purpose of this NOFO is to promote evidence-based asthma strategies and interventions through partnerships and collaborations by using health education and communication strategies. Recipients will develop partnerships and collaborations using health education and communication strategies that will result in measurable impacts.These strategies are outlined in the CDC asthma technical package, EXHALE ( Recipients will strengthen existing organizational infrastructure to expand the reach of services through six EXHALE strategies: Education on asthma self-management; eXtinguishing smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke; Home visits for trigger reduction and asthma self-management education (AS-ME); Achievement of guidelines-based medical management; Linkages and coordination of care; and Environmental policies or best practices to reduce indoor and outdoor asthma triggers.
