DARPA Detect It with Gene Editing Technologies DIGET and Device Development

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Jan 7, 2020


DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

UI Contact: 

DARPA Detect It with Gene Editing Technologies (DIGET) 
grants.gov https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=322764
FBO  https://beta.sam.gov/opp/3f1f4464416c4d73a025f84d916a3508/view
Abstract strongly encouraged 1/7/2020
Application Deadline 2/25/2020

The goal of the DIGET program is to leverage advances in gene editing technologies to develop low-cost, high-trust, sensitive, multiplexed, rapidly reconfigurable, and fieldable diagnostics and biosurveillance technologies to address the need for timely and comprehensive threat detection surveillance to support DoD stabilization missions and outpace infectious disease.

