DARPA Invisible Headlights

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jun 17, 2020

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

May 8, 2020


DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

UI Contact: 

DARPA  Invisible Headlights 
Grants.gov https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=326389
betaSam.gov  https://beta.sam.gov/opp/8271a213cf88440cbdf14347e2e5e7af/view
Strongly encouraged abstract due May 8, 2020

The Invisible Headlights Program will be executed in three phases and development efforts will be divided into four primary areas:
- Technical Area 1: Near-Term Passive 3D Vision    In recent years, dramatic advances have been made in infrared focal plane technology; performer(s) in this Technical Area will modify and extend existing sensors in order to enable passive 3D vision sensors that have the potential for low-speed applications (speeds up to 25 mph).
- Technical Area 2: Novel Sensors for Measurement Hyperdiversity
Performer(s) in Technical Area 2 will develop near-zero-noise sensors capable of orders of magnitude more measurements per second than conventional sensors, enabling fast, high-spatial-resolution, high-spectral-resolution measurement of an environment, and high-speed 3D vision.  Because this will be an entirely new class of infrared sensors, Technical Area 2 is expected to be a fundamental research activity.  If successful, these new sensors will enable 3D vision for highspeed autonomy (speeds greater than 25 mph).
- All Performers: Virtual Tradespace Exploration
The single most important consequence of the Invisible Headlights program will be a quantitative understanding of the information contained in ambient thermal emissions, coupled with quantitative insight into what types of sensors can effectively exploit that information.  Performers in TAs 1 and 2 will provide this understanding and insight by creating a quantitative tradespace of 3D vision performance as a function of widely varying sensor specifications.

