DARPA World Modelers - Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sponsor Deadline: 

May 11, 2017


DOD Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

UI Contact: 

Grants.gov  https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=292785

DARPA  HR001117S0017  is soliciting innovative research proposals in the area of causal modeling, forecasting, and analysis techniques.  The purpose of the World Modelers program is to develop technology that will enable analysts to rapidly build models to analyze questions relevant to national and global security. Questions for analysis will typically be framed at subnational scales and look one to five years into the future, although the factors that influence outcomes of interest might operate on larger spatial and temporal scales. 

Food insecurity is a growing problem in many parts of the world where societies struggle to feed growing populations.  Food insecurity has both humanitarian challenges and regional security ramifications, as food shortages can result in migration/displacement and conflict between peoples.  Food insecurity will be the initial use case for the World Modelers program, and World Modelers technologies will enable researchers to efficiently and rigorously perform analytic tasks such as “Analyze food insecurity in each district of South Sudan two years into the future.”   World Modelers technologies will be applied to additional (and increasingly varied) use cases as they mature through a sequence of program phases.

