Dept of State - Public Diplomacy with Turkey

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 29, 2021

Internal Deadline: 

Dec 28, 2020


Dept of State Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs

UI Contact: 

Dept of State Public Diplomacy with Turkey
U.S. Embassy Grants Program
Deadline to submit applications: January 29, 2021, 17:00 Turkey Time

Dept. of State DOS solicitations generally limit the number of applications that may go forward in response to a specific solicitation. 
Prospective applicants from the UI who wish to apply to a DOS program that limits the number of applications allowed per institution must refer to the UI Limited Submissions guidelines at

  • Support Shared Security 
  • Strengthen Economic Prosperity, Promote Innovation, Foster Entrepreneurship, and Improve the Digital Economy
  • Reinforce Democratic Values
  • Foster Turkish and U.S. Ties

