Desalination and Water Purification Research Program

Sponsor Deadline: 

Dec 4, 2019


Interior Bureau of Reclamation

UI Contact: 

Desalination and Water Purification Research Program: Research Projects for Fiscal Years 2020 and 2021

Funding Group I: Laboratory Scale projects are typically bench scale studies involving small flow rates (less than 2 gallons per minute). They are used to determine the viability of a novel process, new materials, or process modifications. Research at this stage often involves a high degree of risk and uncertainty. Up to $250,000 in Federal funds per proposed project will be available under this funding group for projects that can be completed within two years. 

Funding Group II: Pilot scale projects test a novel process at a sufficiently large scale to determine the practicality of implementing the technology at a larger scale. Pilot studies are used to generate data that can be used to estimate the operational requirements (labor, chemical addition, power requirements) of the process and to show performance with respect to finished water quality goals. Pilot scale projects are generally preceded by laboratory studies (funded previously by DWPR or others) that demonstrate that the technology works.  Up to $800,000 in Federal funds per proposed project will be available under this funding group for projects that can be completed within three years. The funding will be divided by year and should be included in the proposed budget portion of the application. Funding after the first year is not guaranteed and will be made available based on adequate work completed in the previous year.

