DOD Trusted Human-Machine Teaming - University Center of Excellence

Sponsor Deadline: 

Aug 18, 2017


DOD Defense Air Force Office of Scientific Research AFOSR

UI Contact: 

Center of Excellence: Trusted Human-Machine Teaming    FOA-AFRL-AFOSR-2017-0001

The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) seeks unclassified proposals from educational institutions in the United States for a University Center of Excellence (UCoE) in in Trusted Human-Machine Teaming. Proposals must not contain any proprietary information. This center is a joint project between the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Air Force Research Laboratory, Airman Systems Directorate (AFRL/RH). The center will extend the research capabilities of the Air Force Research Laboratory, and provide opportunities for a new generation of United States scientists and engineers to address the basic research needs of the Air Force. We will consider proposals for up to five (5) years with a three-year (3) base period and a two-year (2) option period.

A broad range of research specializations will be needed in which researchers can interact in an interdisciplinary setting to perform cutting-edge research in a collaborative environment composed of government and academic personnel. Multi-investigator teaming across departments and disciplines is highly encouraged. Proposals should describe contributions of the proposed research to the basic understanding and principles of human-machine teaming, as well as contributions to revolutionary advances in the technology of autonomous systems. The collaboration effort should be designed to focus on long-term technical community sustainment through expertise development and experience opportunities that are actively disseminated between groups and individuals. The center should expose students and academic researchers to the research and development environment of AFRL, transfer knowledge between AFRL and academia, and enable interaction between other academic researchers at AFRL. Proposals should address ways to develop a new generation of autonomous systems experts and increase the education, expertise, and experience of current researchers, while instilling an appreciation of the interdependency of researchers and disciplines. Applicants are advised that routine access of educational institution researchers to AFRL/RH buildings and facilities may be limited to US citizens and permanent residents. Individuals eligible for access are subject to background checks.

