DOE Critical Materials: Next-Generation Technologies and Field Validation - concept paper

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jun 25, 2020

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Jun 25, 2020


Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office AMO

UI Contact: 

FY2020 AMO Critical Materials FOA: Next-Generation Technologies and Field Validation
EEEE site:

Topic 1, Area of Interest 2, seeks projects to improve industrial beneficiation (froth flotation, magnetic separation, or gravity flotation), separation (solvent extraction) and/or processing (molten salt electrolysis and metallothermic reduction) of REEs (rare earth elements). In addition to the Topic 1, Area of Interest 2, specific requirements below, improvements to REE separation and processing should be able to handle flexible feedstocks (Figure 3). Of particular interest are technologies that can handle both raw materials and end-of-life products. Proposed technologies cannot solely target end-of-life products, or propose end-of-life products as the material choice for demonstration of the proposed technology.

Battery Critical Materials -  For Topic 1 Area of Interest 2, proposed improvements to separation and processing of cobalt, lithium, manganese, and synthetic graphite may include the ability to handle flexible feedstocks, i.e. technologies that can handle both raw materials.

