Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Initiative - various opportunities

Sponsor Deadline: 

May 5, 2023


Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

UI Contact: 

Sponsor link https://www.moore.org/initiative-additional-info?initiativeId=emergent-p...

Flexible Funding

The goal of flexible funding grants is to drive scientific innovation by enhancing experimental capabilities at leading research institutions and supporting timely projects with the potential to make breakthroughs in the studies and the discovery of quantum materials. These grants have two varieties: equipment development grants and rapid-response grants.

Equipment Development 

Equipment grants support the development of sophisticated and sometimes one-of-a-kind instrumentation at institutions with active research programs in quantum materials. 

Rapid-Response Grants

Rapid response grants support exceptionally timely projects with a very high potential impact. These projects may include experimental tests of novel important theoretical concepts and innovative, as well as unconventional research endeavors that are unlikely to be supported through traditional funding channels due to their high-risk nature.
