Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center - ACS Institutional Research Seed Grants

Sponsor Deadline: 

Nov 2, 2020


Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center HCCC, American Cancer Society ACS

UI Contact: 

SEED GRANTS: The Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center’s American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant provides seed grant opportunity to junior faculty. Investigators in any department/college who wish to pursue pilot projects broadly related to basic and clinical areas of cancer research may apply.
Guidelines  and required forms are found at  

Deadline Noon, Monday, November 2, 2020.

Applications are encouraged from junior faculty investigators performing basic or clinical research including cancer control, health services research, and behavioral/psychosocial research, and health policy and outcomes research related to cancer. American Cancer Society (ACS) funds are intended to assist independent researchers in conducting initial explorations which may lead to publication(s) and a successful application for support from a national funding agency.

