HRSA Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue Specific Rural Research Studies

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 29, 2021

Internal Deadline: 

Dec 29, 2020


Health Resources and Services Admin

UI Contact: 

HRSA Rapid Response Rural Data Analysis and Issue Specific Rural Research Studies
HRSA url

This HRSA opportunity is limited to one application per institution.
Please refer this link on the UIowa Limited Submissions process 

The purpose of this program is to assist rural communities with conducting rapid data analyses and short term issue-specific rural research studies to understand the impact of current and proposed policies and regulations as well as provide information that will improve health care in rural America. Due to the nature of rural policy analysis and formulation, rural organizations and health care providers often require timely information that is available only through specialized analysis of databases of information compiled by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), other federal and state agencies, or private organizations. The recipient is responsible for collaborating with agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to compile and analyze data that is requested in a timely manner. The recipient will also collaborate with rural stakeholders to determine what data sets are needed. These collaborative efforts are vital because most rural groups and individuals do not have the capacity to store the data sets, the staff expertise to refine and analyze the data, nor the technology necessary to run statistical analyses. The recipient is required to staff a rapid response data analysis team capable of responding within one to two business days to an estimated one to two data analysis requests per month from rural health stakeholders.
