Lesbian Health Fund

Sponsor Deadline: 

Dec 31, 2018


Gay and Lesbian Medical Assn. GLMA

UI Contact: 

The Lesbian Health Fund LHF, a program of GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality

website:  http://www.glma.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageId=959&grandp...
PDF of Guidelines

The LHF Grant Committee will give preference to funding research focused on resilience and coping among lesbian and sexual minority women or girls, and their families. While special consideration will be given to proposals adhering to this theme, we welcome all proposals that address the following research goals:

  • Understanding social, family, and interpersonal influences as sources of stress or support
  • Eliminating inequalities in health care, including barriers to care, and improving quality of care and utilization rates
  • Development and testing of interventions to address mental and physical health needs of lesbians and SMW, including but not limited to depression, identity related issues, eating disorders, substance abuse, obesity, cancer risks, cardiovascular disease, and sexually transmitted infections
  • Sexual and reproductive health, including family & parenting issues

Application deadline is December 31, 2018.

