MTEC Temporary Corneal Repair Solution

Sponsor Deadline: 

Aug 6, 2020

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Aug 6, 2020


Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium MTEC

UI Contact: 

MTEC Solicitations
The University of Iowa is a member of MTEC Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium

Temporary Corneal Repair Solution
required white paper due August 6, 2020 at noon eastern time.
The Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) issued this Request for Project Proposals (RPP) focused on the development of a prototype that allows for temporary stabilization of corneal and corneoscleral injuries at a Role 1 battalion aid station. The desired prototype should be simple enough for a medic or physician’s assistant to administer it under austere circumstances with little to no additional equipment, safe enough to use on any suspected corneal or corneoscleral injuries, and effective at stabilizing the eye such that it preserves the Soldier’s eyesight.

