MTEC Warfighter Brain Health: Late and Long-Term Consequences of Head Impact Exposure and Concussion, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Brain Health - proposal brief

Sponsor Deadline: 

Nov 19, 2020


DOD Defense Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium MTEC

UI Contact: 

Warfighter Brain Health (WBH): Late and Long-Term Consequences of Head Impact Exposure and Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) on Brain Health RPP
Solicitation Number: MTEC-21-01-WBH
The University of Iowa is a member of the MTEC Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium
MTEC Open Solicitations

Overall Program Objective  
The overall objective of the Warfighter Brain Health (WBH) program is to advance both knowledge and technology prototypes (i.e., training, tools, and practice guidelines for assessment, metrics, and interventions) that will reduce or eliminate acute to late and long-term effects from single and repetitive concussion/mTBI. The DoD is seeking Solution Briefs for utilization of an already established and experienced Clinical Research Consortium (CRC) that will follow human subjects who have sustained a single or repeated concussion/mTBI to determine the relationship between concussion/mTBI, head impact exposures and brain health outcomes. The CRC will be expected to interact with a Government Steering Committee with involvement from the USAMRDC and other stakeholders.

