National Weather Service NWS Unified Forecast System

Sponsor Deadline: 

Feb 7, 2020

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Dec 6, 2019


Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin NOAA

UI Contact: 

NWS Office of Science and Technology Integration: Unified Forecast System - Applied Meteorological Research
LOI highly encouraged by Dec. 6, 2019
Deadline Feb. 7, 2020

The UFS is designed to provide more accurate forecast guidance through operational numerical weather prediction applications. These applications span local and global domains, and predictive time scales from sub-hourly to seasonal. This solicitation favors projects at specific stages of maturity as signified by their readiness level as described in Section 1.A.

There are three competitions from this notification valued at approximately $2,800,000 for the first year of multi-year (2-year) projects that will advance development of the UFS:
1) Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS);
2) Weeks 3-4 Program; and
3) Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program (HFIP).
