NEA Research Grants in the Arts

Sponsor Deadline: 

Mar 28, 2022


National Endowment for the Arts

UI Contact: 

NEA Research Grants in the Arts

Research Grants in the Arts support research studies that investigate the value and/or impact of the arts, either as individual components of the U.S. arts ecology or as they interact with each other and/or with other domains of American life. 
As in previous years, the NEA is interested in research covering one or more of these topic areas:

  • Factors that enhance or inhibit arts participation or arts/cultural assets;
  • Detailed characteristics of arts participation or arts/cultural assets, and their interrelationships;
  • Individual-level outcomes of arts participation, specifically outcomes corresponding with the following domains:
  • social and emotional well-being,
  • creativity, cognition, and learning, and
  • physiological processes of health and healing
  • Societal or community-level outcomes of arts/cultural assets, specifically outcomes corresponding with the following domains:
  • civic and corporate innovation,
  • attraction for neighborhoods and businesses, and
  • national and/or state-level economic growth

Some of the most compelling research about the arts has originated with non-arts specialties: economics, for example, with its lessons about the arts' contributions to the economy as well as the arts’ role in manufacturing and product design or innovation; cognitive neuroscience, with its discoveries about the arts' role in shaping human development and learning-related outcomes; urban planning work that seeks to understand the arts as a marker of community vitality; and psychological, physical health-related, or therapeutic studies that posit the arts' relationship to individual health and wellness. The NEA anticipates applications from diverse research fields (e.g., economics; psychology; education; sociology; medicine, health, and therapy; communications; business administration; urban and regional planning) in addition to projects that address a diverse array of topics concerning the value and/or impact of the arts. Similarly, the NEA expects their awards portfolio to be diverse in terms of research focus area, research design, and geographical distribution.

An organization may submit more than one application under these Research Grants in the Arts guidelines. In each case, the request must be for a distinctly different project. However, an organization will not receive more than one Research Grants in the Arts award in any given cycle.
Applicants to the Research Grants in the Arts program may apply to other NEA funding opportunities, within the same fiscal year, including NEA Research Labs. However, each request must be for a distinctly different project.  An organization will not receive both a Research Grants in the Arts award and a new NEA Research Lab award in the same fiscal year.

