NETL Developing Technologies for Advancement of Associated Geologic Storage in Basinal Geo-Laboratories

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jun 1, 2018


DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory

Developing Technologies for Advancement of Associated Geologic Storage in Basinal Geo-Laboratories

Department of Energy Carbon Storage Program Storage Infrastructure Technology Area supports research to develop technologies focused on field laboratory studies, including regional characterization and field validation testing of technologies, to demonstrate that different storage complexes in various geologic settings, distributed over different geographic regions, both onshore and offshore, have the capability to safely and permanently store carbon dioxide. These field laboratory projects, along with other supporting research and development projects, have yielded significant advancements in carbon storage technology. However, key gaps in experience and knowledge remain, which arise due to the diversity in geologic settings of potential storage complexes in different geographic regions of the country. Research supported by this Funding Opportunity Announcement, which addresses these gaps, will be key in achieving value-added carbon dioxide geologic storage.
