NETL Extreme Environment Materials for Power Generation via Fossil Fuels

Sponsor Deadline: 

Feb 21, 2020


DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory

UI Contact: 

DOE Extreme Environment Materials for Power Generation
National Energy Technology Laboratory Office of Fossil Energy

This Funding Opportunity Announcement will fill a gap with advanced materials and technologies to enhance the reliability and performance of the existing fleet while reducing O&M costs. The Crosscutting High Performance Materials Program has a unique ability to identify needs and foster technology development across many applications. Materials challenges will be targeted that apply to both coal-based and gas-based steam cycle components. Gas turbine applications will be considered non-responsive and hence any gas-focused work should focus on the bottoming cycle of a Natural Gas Combined Cycle. The Program focuses on development and validation of materials and technologies for existing and new fossil power generation applications with improved cost, performance, and reliability. This not only supports fossil power generation but also provides targeted support to the nation’s high-temperature materials supply chain thereby enhancing competitiveness in the global marketplace.
