NIH, CDC, AHRQ Require ORCID IDs starting FY 2020 for Certain Grant Mechanisms


National Institutes of Health, CDC, AHRQ

ORCID Open Researcher and Contributor ID.
ORCID iDs are unique, persistent digital identifiers that distinguish individual investigators and can be used to connect researchers with their scholarly contributions over time and across changes of name, location, and institutional affiliation.  These free identifiers are assigned and maintained by the non-profit organization ORCID.

If you have questions about ORCID IDs, please see this Hardin Library Guide on ORCID IDs  or find this Guide on the Hardin Library website and search ORCID in the upper right.

The NIH posted Requirement for ORCID iDs for Individuals Supported by Research Training, Fellowship, Research Education, and Career Development Awards Beginning in FY 2020
