NSF Community Instruments and Facilities - LOI

Sponsor Deadline: 

Oct 21, 2020

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Oct 21, 2020


National Science Foundation Geosciences Div. of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

UI Contact: 

NSF Community Instruments and Facilities
NSF 20-596   https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20596/nsf20596.htm

The Community Instruments and Facilities (CIF) solicitation is intended to make existing instruments and facilities more broadly available to the NSF-sponsored atmospheric science community. For the purpose of this solicitation a CIF is defined as a complex and/or expensive, stationary or portable, instrument or facility that already exists at the host institution and may be deployable or laboratory-based. CIF does not include common-use instrumentation (e.g. radiosonde systems), major research facilities (e.g. aircraft), or computing. CIF should be used to support basic research and education in atmospheric sciences supported by programs in the AGS Division’s Atmosphere Section (see https://www.nsf.gov/funding/programs.jsp?org=AGS  for a current list of programs in AGS).

