NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution: Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering - Ideas Labs - preliminary

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 28, 2019


National Science Foundation

NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution: Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering - Ideas Labs 

NSF 19-543    https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2019/nsf19543/nsf19543.htm?WT.mc_id=USNSF_179

NSF’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea is a national-scale activity to enable new modes of data-driven discovery that will allow fundamental questions to be asked and answered at the frontiers of science and engineering. Through this NSF-wide activity, HDR will generate new knowledge and understanding, and accelerate discovery and innovation. The HDR vision is realized through an interrelated set of efforts in:

  • Foundations of data science;
  • Algorithms and systems for data science;
  • Data-intensive science and engineering;
  • Data cyberinfrastructure; and
  • Education and workforce development.

