NSF Harnessing the Data Revolution: Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science Phase II TRIPODS - LOI

Sponsor Deadline: 

Nov 16, 2021

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Nov 16, 2021


National Science Foundation

UI Contact: 

Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR): Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science Phase II (TRIPODS)
NSF 21-604

Harnessing the Data Revolution: Transdisciplinary Research In Principles Of Data Science Phase II (HDR TRIPODS Phase II) aims to bring together the electrical engineering, mathematics, statistics, and theoretical computer science communities to develop the theoretical foundations of data science through integrated research and training activities. Phase I, described in solicitation NSF 19-550, supported the development of small collaborative Institutes. Phase II, described in this solicitation, will support a smaller number of larger Institutes, selected from the Phase I Institutes via a second competitive proposal process. All HDR TRIPODS Institutes must involve significant and integral participation by researchers representing the four aforementioned communities. When responding to this solicitation, even though proposals must be submitted through the Directorate for Engineering, Division of Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems, once received, the proposals will be managed by a cross-disciplinary team of NSF Program Directors.
