NSF Molecular Foundations for Biotechnology - Partnerships to Transform Emerging Industries

Sponsor Deadline: 

Feb 14, 2022

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Feb 14, 2022


National Science Foundation

UI Contact: 

NSF Molecular Foundations for Biotechnology - Partnerships to Transform Emerging Industries
NSF 22-554   https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2022/nsf22554/nsf22554.htm?WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_id=USNSF_27&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Required LOI due February 14, 2022

The solicitation calls for synergistic, interdisciplinary research endeavors that:

  1. bring together computer science expertise in machine learning/Artificial Intelligence ML/AI on one side and chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, and/or mathematics on the other side,
  2. focus on integrated, convergent research projects that create new mechanism-guided machine learning frameworks for the prediction and detailed characterization of the function of bio logical macro molecules (e.g., protein , nucleic acids, and macromolecular assemblies of both protein and nucleic acids),
  3. test the validity, specificity, and generalizability of the proposed ML frameworks with robust experimental platforms

The novel, interdisciplinary approaches considered by this solicitation could focus on current challenges such as:

  • predict and characterize the interactions of intrinsically disordered proteins (or proteins that contain disordered regions)
  • expand our understanding of the dynamic relationship between biopolymer function and the environment
  • gain insight in the assembly of biomolecules into higher order complexes, including understanding, building upon, and/or disrupting protein-protein interactions
  • design, synthesize, and characterize natural and synthetic polymer hybrids
  • predict RNA (structure and) function
