NSF Supplemental Funding for US-EU Collaborative Research in Computer and Network Systems Core, and Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace


National Science Fdn. Dir. for Computer and Information Science and Engineering CISE

UI Contact: 

NSF 21-048 
Dear Colleague Letter: Supplemental Funding Requests for Active Research Awards to Conduct US-  European Union Collaborative Research

This collaborative research is coupled with European Commission's (EC) The Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative, which aims to shape the future internet as an interoperable platform. In particular, this DCL is coupled with NGIatlantic.eu, which has periodic open calls with the main goal of incentivizing EU ‒ US NGI teams to carry out experiments using EU and/or US based experimental platforms. Topical priorities and US-EU experimental platforms are as outlined in such an open call.
The next open call deadline is February 26, 2021. For additional guidance on the scope, please contact the NSF program directors listed at the end of this DCL.

Active NSF-funded researchers within NSF's Computer and Network Systems Core and Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace programs may propose, as part of their supplemental funding requests, a collaborative project with their EU counterpart, where the EU counterpart applies to the NGIatlantic.eu open call. Supplemental funding awarded pursuant to this DCL may be used by the project team to support the time of the PI, co-PIs, other senior personnel, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, undergraduate students or travel to conduct collaborative research with EU researchers.

