OASH Anticipated: Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research Grants


HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health

UI Contact: 

OASH Forecasted:  Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research Grants
Estimated post date Jan. 14, 2022.

The Office of Population Affairs anticipates the availability of funding for Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) research projects and research-to-practice translation centers. The grants will make significant contributions to the teenage pregnancy prevention field by resulting in improved curricula development and delivery strategies, reduction of disparities among participants, and better data collection and analysis related to program effectiveness.  The research grants will primarily consist of secondary data analyses or small research projects to explore new questions in teenage pregnancy prevention that improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of pregnancy prevention programs for adolescents or young adults, and/or reduce disparities, by age, gender, race/ethnicity, or setting.  The research-to-practice translation centers will synthesize and translate existing research into practice for health promotion and development of positive assets that will lead to adoption of healthy behaviors and ultimately help to reduce teen pregnancy. The centers are expected to evaluate or assess the research, best practices, approaches, or strategies in a priority protective factor area and make that information easily accessible to health providers, caregivers and others working with youth to prevent teen pregnancy.
