ORCID Author Identification System Now Available at UIowa


University of Iowa Libraries

From: University Libraries
Sent:  October 19, 2016 
Subject:  Author Identification System (ORCID) Now Available at The University of Iowa

We are pleased to announce that Iowa has adopted an author identification system known as ORCID.  It is part of a global effort including major academic publishers, funding agencies, and academic institutions to better connect researchers to their research output and to each other. You can create or connect your ORCID ID here: http://guides.lib.uiowa.edu/ORCID. If you have questions about ORCID, please contact your UI Subject Librarian or visit the ORCID Knowledge Base. The UI Libraries, Information Technology Services, the Office of the Provost, the Division of Sponsored Programs, and the Big Ten Academic Alliance have collaborated to bring you this service.

For additional information contact Linda Walton, Associate University Librarian at linda-walton@uiowa.edu.
