Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance LOI RFPs

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Apr 7, 2022


Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance OCRA

UI Contact: 

See sponsor link: https://ocrahope.org/research/for-grantees/current-programs/
ProposalCentral grant guidelines link: https://proposalcentral.com/GrantOpportunities.asp?GMID=99

  • Collaborative Research Development Grants ($900,000) provide funds for ovarian cancer research projects that involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions.
  • Microsoft AI for Health/Collaborative Research Development Grants ($900,000) provide funds for ovarian cancer research projects using AI that involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions.
  • Early Career Investigator Grants ($450,000) are for investigators in their first academic faculty appointment.  This award is open to clinician-scientists and Ph.D. scientists. 
  • Mentored Investigator Grants ($75,000) fund post-doctoral trainees working in ovarian cancer research groups or those currently enrolled in a fellowship program. This year OCRA intends to prioritize funding a project related to Cancer Control and Population Sciences (CCPS).


