Pfizer: Covid-19 Vaccine Research


Pfizer Global Medical

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Pfizer: Covid-19 Vaccine Research

The following areas of research will be considered:

  • Studies evaluating COVID-19 burden of disease and sero-epidemiological surveys among specific populations.
  • Epidemiology studies evaluating direct & indirect impact, including modeling approaches, of Pfizer’s vaccine particularly in specific patient populations.
  • Studies measuring the impact of efforts to overcome vaccine hesitancy and enhance vaccine uptake.

Coming soon:   Vaccine Medical Education
Optimize the prevention of COVID-19 by: 

  • Increase awareness of the risk of COVID-19 for all ages and racial and ethnic groups.
  • Increase the understanding, and familiarity with, the proper storage, handling and administration of Pfizer’s vaccine.

Coming soon: Population Health

  • Optimize the prevention of COVID-19 by increasing the understanding and familiarity with COVID-19 and Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine among the general population.
