Reproductive Medicine Research Grants - LOI

Sponsor Deadline: 

Nov 1, 2021


American Society for Reproductive Medicine ASRM

UI Contact: 

American Society for Reproductive Medicine ASRM

The ASRM Research Institute large grant ($50,000 per year or greater)      invites investigators to develop research projects addressing fundamental questions of major clinical significance to reproductive medicine.
A letter of intent is due on November 1, 2021

 Applications must fall within one of these 4 priorities areas to be considered for committee review.  

  • Research projects involving human gametes such as ones aiming to understand human egg maturation; determine single sperm variability to evaluate quality and function in clinical IVF; apply what has been learned from animal models to in vitro gametogenesis in the human; evaluate feasibility and safety of gene editing approaches in human gametes. 
  • Research projects involving human embryos such as ones attempting to determine single cell (blastomere, trophectoderm, ICM cell) variability (chromosomal, transcriptomic, metabolomic, etc); define in molecular and cell biological terms cell lineages in the early human embryo; develop methodologies for the evaluation of “stressors” and safety of methodologies in the clinical IVF laboratory; investigate the feasibility and safety of gene editing approaches in human embryos. 
  • Research projects evaluating outcomes by developing questionnaires and software for the long-term follow-up of children and their parents following fertility treatments. Building on existing databases and registries is strongly encouraged. 
  • Research projects on access to fertility care by developing metrics to evaluate the needs for access to fertility care in low resourced setting(s) or in underrepresented minorities; determine the cost effectiveness and feasibility of easily implementable approaches for the evaluation of fertility status; develop treatment methodologies for cost effective fertility care.

