Research to Improve Health for Older Adults in Long Term Care Facilities - LOI

Sponsor Deadline: 

Mar 31, 2021

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Mar 31, 2021


Donaghue Foundation

UI Contact: 

Another Look 2021:  Research to Improve Health for Older Adults in Long Term Care Facilities

Letter of Intent due March 31, 2021 (required)

There are two requirements of the Another Look grant program.
The first is that the majority of the data analysis must use already existing datasets rather than new data that is collection for this study.
The second requirement is the inclusion of stakeholders from clinical, programmatic or policy arenas on their project team to help inform the research.

The Foundation welcomes all topics related to improving quality and equity in long term care facilities but is particularly interested in supporting research focused on high priority issues that were identified through an environmental scan recently conducted by the Foundation. These high priority topics are:

  • Improving the quality and availability of palliative, end of life and hospice care
  • Evaluating the impact of innovations in workforce roles and expertise on quality of life for residents and staff
  • Assessing the role of family members and informal caregivers on resident quality of life
  • Reducing the negative effects of isolation and loneliness on resident health and well-being
  • Addressing racial, ethnic, gender or income disparities in care quality or health outcomes
  • Addressing the specialized care needs of resident populations with developmental disabilities, serious mental illness, or addiction
