Spinal Cord Injury: Creating Opportunity and Independence Grants

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 18, 2019

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Jan 18, 2019


Craig H. Neilsen Foundation

UI Contact: 

Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Creating Opportunity & Independence Grants
How to Apply  http://chnfoundation.org/how-to-apply/
Guidelines: http://chnfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/COI-2019-PG-Applicat...

Letter of intent due Jan. 18, 2019.

Creating Opportunity & Independence (CO&I): The goal of the portfolio is to enhance quality of life for individuals and their families living with SCI through grants to support innovative programs/projects that improve participation and independence. Areas of focus include: arts, sports and recreation, assistive technology, education, employment, independent living, and rehabilitation.

