Strengthening Families and Communities (Social Determinants of Health)

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jun 16, 2023


Telligen Community Initiative

UI Contact: 

Sponsor link

PRIORITY OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION: As many disparate health outcomes remain significant challenges for so many communities, a deeper understanding of the social determinants of health, and what forces underlie their distribution, is necessary. There is a need to include the terms “structural determinants of health” and “root causes of inequities” when considering how to stage opportunities for resource commitments in communities. Structural determinants are the root causes of health inequities because they shape the quality of communities. Structural determinants include the governing process, economic and social policies that affect pay, working conditions, housing, living environment, and education. TCI would like to utilize our interest in the social determinants of health to help resource preventive and upstream investments in community health around root cause issues that help those in greatest need according to race, gender, social class, geography, sexual orientation, or other socially defined group of people.

With this Request for Proposals, TCI seeks to emphasize the integration of childhood, family, and community health in new ways for our foundation. TCI wants to resource efforts that advance optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for families, children and youth in the four states TCI supports. We will prioritize reaching caregivers of color and families with limited financial resources – in rural, frontier, or urban settings. Programs supported can be advancing established evidence-based programs or the refinement of emerging and promising community-based practices. Below represents the targeted areas TCI wants to advance with our philanthropy in this RFP within the social determinants of health. It is also accompanied by illustrative examples of what programmatic efforts and success indicators could be built around. The potential focus or indicators of success are not prescribed or limited to what could be requested for TCI consideration by an applicant. They are just examples meant to stimulate thought and meet your community needs and work where our funding could be most impactful to your plan That said, the overall part of the social determinants of health we want to position our funding around is strengthening families and efforts that could build family and community resiliency and enhancement of protective factors. These are the only funding themes we intend to support with TCI grant awards.
