UIHC Center for Hypertension Research Pilot and Feasibility Project Funding Guidelines for FY2016

Sponsor Deadline: 

Apr 1, 2016

Internal Deadline: 

Apr 1, 2016


UIHC Center for Hypertension Research

 UIHC Center for Hypertension Research

Pilot and Feasibility Project Funding Guidelines for FY2016

 The goal of the Center for Hypertension Research is to promote basic, clinical, and translational research specifically in hypertension, and to support the commercialization of newly developed technologies, treatments, and clinical tests. The center will also help unite other university departments and centers that share a common interest in promoting hypertension research. The Center is requesting applications for its first round of pilot project funding.


All applicants must be a full-time research-track or tenure-track members of the University of Iowa faculty. The P&F program is modeled on the Carver Collaborative Pilot Project Grant programs, and is designed to foster new and existing collaborations on research into causes, mechanisms, and treatments for hypertension. P&F grants are intended to provide support for studies that allow an investigative team to develop data sufficient to prepare a compelling application for independent research support through external granting mechanisms. Overlap with currently funded research is not permitted. To be eligible, each P&F application must have two PIs with complementary expertise, and the proposal should clearly take advantage of the strengths of the partnership. Recipients of a Hypertension Center Pilot in 2014/15 are ineligible to apply.

This second round of applications will be funded for 12 months, starting on July 1, 2016. $60,000 will be awarded for each funded pilot project.

 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The application should not exceed two (2) pages, not including references, lay summary and NIH bio-sketch. Font must be in Arial 11 point or larger with ½ inch (or greater) margins. It should consist of three discrete sections:

1. NIH R01 Specific Aims Page (1 page maximum): This should be modeled on an typical NIH R01 Specific aims page and should clearly define the problem studied, the hypothesis to be tested, one or two clearly defined specific aims, and the main methodologies to be employed. Specific experimental details are not required.

2. Preliminary Data, Innovation and Relevance (~0.75 page): Present directly relevant preliminary data or a strong rationale for the study if preliminary data is not available. Describe how the work (if successful) is significant, innovative, and likely to lead to success in a national grant competition. Describe how this proposed work is relevant to the areas of hypertension, and how the merging of basic, translational or clinical expertise by the dual-PIs will enhance its chances of success.

3. Descriptive Budget (~0.25 page): Describe how the funds will be used to foster the collaboration and to generate new preliminary data to support an extramural grant proposal.



 The application should also include the following, which are excluded from the page limitation:

1. References: Include no more than 12 key references relevant to the specific aims proposed.

2. NIH Bio-sketches: For each PI, include a current NIH bio-sketch (4 page maximum) with an up-to-date UI appointment and promotion record, personal publication list and grant history, including pending applications.

3. Lay Description (<0.5 page): Describe the work you propose to do in terms that a person, not familiar with scientific language, can understand. Why is this important? What will we know that was not known before? Where could this lead in the future, etc?

The application must be assembled into a single PDF document that contains the requested information. The PDF should be submitted electronically to linda-buckner@uiowa.edu by 5:00 PM on Friday April 1, 2016. Note that it is NOT necessary for the application to go through the Office of Sponsored Research prior to submission.

REVIEW CRITERIA: Proposed P&F studies should present a testable hypothesis and clearly delineate the question being asked, detail procedures to be followed, and discuss how the data will be analyzed and lead to future studies.

Grants receive an internal review. Emphasis is placed on how the research might lead to new research ideas or research funding. For junior investigators, additional considerations include how this award will impact your career, including the potential to compete for independent research funding in the future. Research track faculty MUST include a letter from his/her laboratory director or departmental chair describing how this award will serve in developing an independent research program and external research funding.

QUESTIONS: Any specific clarifications that are needed with regards to submitting a proposal and eligibility concerns, or questions about Pilot & Feasibility grants and the submission process, please contact Dr. Curt D. Sigmund (5-7946 or curt-sigmund@uiowa.edu).

FINDING CRITERIA: Successful applicants will be asked to meet with Lisa Ringen (Lisa-Ringen@uiowa.edu) to define the annual budget. For this round, the award is for $60,000 allocated over 12 months and is not renewable. There will be no carryover of funds. Salary for either dual-PI cannot be included in the budget. Funded investigators will be asked to prepare a progress report and present their results. P&F projects cannot be used for bridge funding; they must represent a new initiative.

