US Mission to India - South India YouthSpeak Summit

Sponsor Deadline: 

Aug 31, 2017


Dept of State US Mission to India

UI Contact:

The project, a two-day youth summit, will offer a platform for youth voices between the ages of 18-30 from the Chennai consular district using various mediums including but not limited to debates, poetry slams, short performances (music, dance, theater, arts), speeches, etc. The YouthSpeak Summit will bring together 300–500 young people with approximately 15 current and former young achievers from India and the United States, who will lead the discussions and activities. Indian and American activists, writers, athletes, artists, business leaders, academics, community leaders, scientists, politicians, social entrepreneurs, and others will be invited to the summit to share their stories. The programs will be conducted in English as well as Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam. Social media and other digital technology will be used to bring in a larger Indian audience and many of the U.S. speakers.
