USAID Empowerment and Inclusion Solicitation and Management

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jul 6, 2017


Agency for International Development

UI Contact:

The [US Agency for International Development USAID Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance] DRG Center’s Empowerment and Inclusion Division (EI) works across the four DOs [Development Objectives] and with other technical sectors - including health, education, economic growth and environment - to reduce risks to vulnerable and marginalized populations and to reinforce the capacities of communities, local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and governments to provide services and protect and promote the rights of populations traditionally absent from the development equation. In particular, this includes children in adversity; civilian victims of war and conflict who have acquired mobility related injuries; survivors of torture and trauma; and persons with disabilities. Under the Foreign Assistance Framework Category “Education and Social Services”, this EI program will provide targeted support to improve access to services and protect and promote the rights of the populations identified above, contributing to the achievement of the DRG Strategy.
