USAID: Remote Monitoring of the Humanitarian Supply Chain - Expression of Interest

Sponsor Deadline: 

Jan 26, 2021

Letter of Intent Deadline: 

Jan 26, 2021


Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance USAID BHA

UI Contact: 

BAA Broad Agency Announcement for Remote Monitoring of the Humanitarian Supply Chain
"Expressions of interest will be accepted for 45 days from the issuance of the BAA." (p. 5 of the PDF guidelines)
Expression of Interest due (approx) January 26, 2021.

The United States Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) is exploring innovative solutions that allow for the tagging, tracking, locating, and monitoring of food and non-food items (NFIs) through the international humanitarian supply chain. This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) seeks opportunities to co-create, co-design, co-invest, and collaborate in the research, development, piloting, testing, and scaling of innovative, scalable, and cost-effective remote sensing solutions for our global supply chain.
The application(s) to be implemented will enable our organization to:
i. Capture data and establish baseline parameters such as temperature, humidity, moisture, tilt, and shock on humanitarian commodities as they are shipped around the world. Monitoring of other elements that have the potential to impact the quality and safety of commodities are also of interest;
ii. Improve visibility into the location, condition, and quality of humanitarian commodities as they are shipped around the world;
iii. Reduce waste, loss, damage, risk, and inefficiencies through access to timely, valuable, and quantifiable data, analytical insights, dashboards, and reporting; and
iv. Improve the operational oversight and the ability to make information available to stakeholders, including receivers of commodities, U.S. Government (USG) and private sector partners, and donor governments.

