USDA Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program

Sponsor Deadline: 

Oct 28, 2020


USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture NIFA

UI Contact: 

 USDA Capacity Building Grants for Non-Land-Grant Colleges of Agriculture Program (NLGCA)


  NLGCA funding opportunity

NLGCA Institutions may use the funds:
(a) to successfully compete for funds from Federal grants and other sources to carry out educational, research, and outreach activities that address priority concerns of national, regional, State, and local interest;
(b) to disseminate information relating to priority concerns to interested members of the agriculture, renewable resources, and other relevant communities, the public, and any other interested entity;
(c) to encourage members of the agriculture, renewable resources, and other relevant communities to participate in priority education, research, and outreach activities by providing matching funding to leverage grant funds; and
(d) through: (1) the purchase or other acquisition of equipment and other infrastructure (not including alteration, repair, renovation, or construction of buildings); (2) the professional growth and development of the faculty of the NLGCA Institution; and (3) the development of graduate assistantships.

Applications that address the national challenge to increase the number and diversity of students entering food and agriculture-related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines are encouraged.

Incorporation of Social Sciences and Enhancing Impacts. The NLGCA Program supports social and behavioral science disciplines and applications that embrace multi-disciplinary efforts that integrate biological and social sciences. The social and behavioral sciences are important for addressing many of the challenges facing agriculture and rural communities, such as increasing global demand for food production in the face of limited natural resources; improving health and reducing obesity by engaging in heathy diets; and alleviating poverty by fostering economic opportunity.

